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Empowering young people to make informed choices about their future, the Gateway to Industry Schools program builds bridges between school and work.

The Tourism and Hospitality Gateway to Industry Schools Program aims to help young people make a successful transition from school into further education and or employment in the tourism and hospitality industries.

The Gateway to Industry Schools Program – Tourism and Hospitality has its own domain. You can browse more in depth and access a members area for our Schools at www.gateway2tourismhospitality.com.au.

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For students

The program delivers a range of learning experiences with industry-supported activities that will assist school leavers make informed career choices and open pathways to employment. School students will gain valuable industry experience while still at school, providing them with the tools and knowledge to make informed decisions about post school training, education and employment. There is more to this program browse our new website to explore more.

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For teachers

Teachers participating in the program will engage in industry relevant training and professional development. With contemporary industry knowledge teachers can facilitate better connections between the Australian and Queensland curricula and career and training opportunities for their students. The program provides access to current career information to help students choose the relevant pathway to achieve their next step towards a successful career. You will have access to programs such as mentoring, micro-credentialing qualifications for students and more:

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For schools

The program builds strong partnerships between schools and industry, allowing participating schools to provide industry-relevant learning opportunities for their students. Industry participation also provides school teachers with the skills to better support students undertaking school-based traineeships or apprenticeships. In addition to school-based VET support, the program offers up-to-date training and career information to teachers and career guidance officers to help their students make informed decisions on their future career and training opportunities.

Why Get Involved?

For industry

The Gateway to Industry Schools program provides industry with the flexibility to develop and implement tailored school engagement approaches and activities. As each project is led by industry organisations, school-based learning and engagement activities are structured to support the development of key industry skills and workforce priorities.

Why Get Involved?

The Gateway Schools Project to the Tourism and Hospitality Industries has numerous Gateway member schools located throughout Queensland from the State, Private and Independent sectors.

The Gateway to Industry Schools program provides industry with the flexibility to develop and implement tailored school engagement approaches and activities. As each project is led by industry organisations, school-based learning and engagement activities are structured to support the development of key industry skills and workforce priorities

Being an industry partner of the Gateway program will give your business an opportunity to connect with motivated and engaged students and help us shape the tourism workforce of the future.

For more information:

Gateway to Industry Schools program website
Gateway to Industry –  Tourism and Hospitality Relationship Manager
Based at Queensland College of Wine Tourism
Email: gatewayschools@usq.edu.au
Phone: 07 4685 5050

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