Fee concessions
Students accessing a government subsidy may be eligible for a concession rate to further reduce the amount of their student contribution fee towards their training.
A concession fee might be applied when a student:
- is listed on an Australian Government Low Income Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card,
- is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander,
- holds a Department of Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card,
- has a disability,
- is an adult prisoner.
Please note:
- Not all courses qualify for a fee concession.
- Students are required to supply the proof concession status at the time of enrolment.
The following evidence is required:
- Proof of age (e.g. birth certificate, driver’s licence, passport, adult proof of age card).
- Proof of citizenship/residency (e.g. passport, medicare card, birth certificate).
- Proof of Queensland residential address (e.g. driver’s licence, commonwealth seniors health care card, health care card, pensioner concession card).
- Proof of concession (e.g. health care card, pensioner concession card).
For further details, please contact the College.
Making payments
Students may make payments to the University of Southern Queensland in by any of the following means:
- Cash
- Credit Card (MasterCard and VISA only)
Paying the course fees over a period of time may be available in some circumstances.
Please contact the College for further details on the availability of payment plans.
University of Southern Queensland will protect fees paid in advance and has a fair and reasonable refund policy.
An application for a refund is addressed according to the notice given by the person making the request:
- 14 days prior to the commencement of the course – 100% refund
- Between 13 days and 7 days prior to the course – 75% refund
- Between 6 days and the commencement of the course – 50% refund
- Withdrawal during the course – no refund. A pro-rata credit is available so the student can complete the course at a later date
Credit Transfers
Credit transfer refers to the transferral of academic credit obtained by students through participation in courses or national training package qualifications with other Registered Training Organisations, towards a qualification offered by University of Southern Queensland. Credit transfer is granted on the basis that the credit validates the student’s competency within the relevant qualification/unit of competence. Credit transfer of a qualification/unit of competence is available to all students enrolling in any training program offered by University of Southern Queensland.
For further details, please contact the College.
Skills Recognition/Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of prior learning means recognition of competencies currently held, regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred. These competencies may be attained through any combination of formal or informal training and education, work experience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL, the assessor must be confident that the student is currently competent against the endorsed industry or enterprise competency standards or outcomes specified in Australian Qualifications Framework accredited courses. The evidence may take a variety of forms and could include certification, references from past employers, testimonials from clients and work samples. The assessor must ensure that the evidence is authentic, valid, reliable, current and sufficient.
University of Southern Queensland appreciates the value of workplace and industry experience, and recognises that students will acquire vocational skills and knowledge from a variety of sources other than formal training. These skills are legitimate irrespective of how they were acquired and the RPL process is designed to provide validation of such relevant skills.
For further details, please contact the College.
Student Handbook
The Student Handbook is a comprehensive guide to our policies and procedures, and is essential reading for all students. All prospective students are required to read this information carefully to fully understand how VET courses are conducted at USQ-QCWT. It also contains detailed on where students can find information to assist them throughout their enrolment.
Student Uniform Requirements
The following dress regulations or standards address hygiene principles and Occupational Health and Safety standards. They are expected to be applied at all times.
Hospitality Students
- Formal Dress Shirt:
– Colour: white or black.
– Style: long or short sleeved dress shirt.
– The shirt must be laundered after each session.
– The shirt must be pressed and tucked into pants at all times.
– The shirt must be of good repair, no holes or rips. - The Trousers/Skirt:
– Colour: black.
– Style: full length dress, trousers or skirt.
– Belts: black.
– The trousers/skirt must be laundered regularly.
– They must be good fitting, the correct length with no turn-ups.
– They must be in good repair, no holes, rips or stains.
– Wasted style (no hipsters).
– Skirt must be appropriate length. - The Shoes:
– Colour: black.
– Clean leather uppers with non-slip soles.
– Shoes to be in good repair, no holes.
– Black socks to be worn with all shoes.
– No trainers to be worn – whether leather or not. - Jewellery:
– Only small stud types. One pair only.
– Rings – only simple plain marriage bands.
– No facial jewellery (if necessary must be clear plastic). - Hair:
– Long must be tied back and kept off face at all times
– Hair must be clean and brushed.
– No outrageous hair styles or colours. - Make-Up and Personal Hygiene:
– No outrageous colours, minimal amount of makeup if necessary.
– Finger nails to be clean. Only clear nail polish (no colour).
– Must be aware of body odour, clean skin, bad breath and running noses.
Kitchen Operations and Commercial Cookery Students
Chef’s clothing must not be worn to and from the College. Attendance to practical class will not be granted if you do so.
- Chef’s Hat (or when not owned, supplied by the College:
– The hat must be laundered regularly – whether it is obviously dirty or not. Tell tale marks, such as perspiration stains around the band, must be avoided. Cloth hats must stand up (no floppy hats).
– Hats must fit well.
– Hair must be contained under the hat. No hair to be shown sticking out in the front of the hat. If hair is below collar length, then a hair net must be worn.
– Hair cover must be worn at all times. - The Jacket (or when not owned, supplied by the College):
– Colour: white.
– Style: traditional double breasted style.
– Jacket must be laundered after each session. If the jacket becomes too dirty in one session, it must be changed.
– All buttons to be in place and fastened up.
– All buttons to be white.
– Jacket must be in good repair i.e. no holes, rips, or noticeable stains. - The Trousers:
– Colour: black or chef (small check).
– Trousers must be laundered regularly.
– They must be good fitting and ankle length with no turn-ups.
– They must be in good repair, no holes, rips or noticeable stains. - The Apron (or when not owned, supplied by the College):
– Colour: white.
– The apron must be laundered after each session. If the apron becomes soiled then a clean laundered apron must be worn.
– The apron must be worn to reach on or just below the knees. It must be tied around the waist (not hips).
– The apron must be of good repair, no holes or rips or stains. - The Shoes:
– Colour: black.
– Clean leather uppers with non-slip soles.
– Shoes to be in good repair, no holes.
– Black socks to be worn with all shoes.
– No trainers to be worn – whether leather or not. - Jewellery:
– Ear rings – only small stud types. One pair only.
– Rings – only simple plain marriage bands.
– No facial jewellery (if necessary must be clear plastic). - Hair:
– Long hair must be tied back and kept off face at all times.
– Hair must be clean and brushed.
– No outrageous hair styles or colours.